Then, we came home in time for naps. I got Camille down and then went to put Paul down and he threw a fit! He screamed and cried for 45 minutes (totally out of character for him - he's usually an easy napper), and in that time Camille woke back up crying. I fed her and then she continued to cry for probably 30-45 minutes until I put her in the "magic" swing and she fell back asleep again within 5 minutes of being in it. I don't know what was wrong with the kids, but good grief, the screaming about drove me batty. They finally just had to cry in separate rooms while I hid in the office for 5 minutes to escape. I did everything I could to quiet them, but sometimes, you just have to let them cry it out - if you have kids, you know this to be true. Eventually they did both sleep for about 45 minutes to an hour. That was when I sent Paul a text asking him to bring home a bottle of
Then, this evening, all of us had fun playing and dancing around. I'm glad today ended on a high note, because it got rough there for a while. But, such is the life with 2 under 2. I love my kids, even in moments of insanity, and I still wouldn't trade my job. :-)
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